
MA-AUA Committee Members (2023 – 2024)

APP Committee
Kristy Keyock, MSN, CRNP – Chair
Mariia Anosova-Smith, CRNP, FNPC
Anne E. Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP
Adele M. Caruso, DNP, CRNP, FAANP
Lisa Chuong, PA-C
Kara Cossis, PA-C
Elena Dreyzin, PA-C
Terran Simms, MSN, RN, ACNP

Audit Committee
Matthew G. Kaag, MD – Chair
Gordon Brown, DO
Adam Luchey, MD

ByLaws Committee
Marisa Clifton, MD – Chair
John T. Barnard, MD
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD
Brant Fulmer, MD
Sumit Isharwal, MD
Max Kates, MD
Arun Srinivasan, MD, MRCS
Daniel Stein, MD
Jeremy Tonkin, MD

Health Policy Committee
Joshua P. Langston, MD – Chair
Paul Chung, MD
Chirag Gordhan, MD
Mohit Gupta, MD
Jennifer Hagerty, DO
Daniel M. Hoffman, MD
Mohamad Salkini, MD
Armine Smith, MD
Arun K. Srinivasan, MD, MRCS
Michael Stencel, DO
Hong Truong, MD
Michael B. Williams, MD

Membership Committee
Haerin Beller, MD – Chair
Ahmed Abdelhalim Ali, MD
Daoud Dajani, MD

Nominating Committee
Jay Raman, MD – Chair
Tracey L. Krupski, MD
Costas D. Lallas, MD
Mihir Shah, MD
Charlotte Wu, MD

Program Committee
Sarah Krzastek, MD – Chair
Ahmed Abdelhalim Ali, MD
Michael Byrne, MD
Marisa Clifton, MD
Daoud Dajani, MD
TJ FitzGibbon, MD
Brant Fulmer, MD
Mayer Grob, MD
Daniel Hoffman, MD
Caleb Kovell, MD – Incoming Chair
Daniel Lee, MD
Susan McDonald, MD
Nicolas Ortiz, MD
Tyler Roseman, MD
Mohamad Salkini, MD
Ben Schurhamer, MD
Devang Sharma, MD
Nirmish Singla, MD, MSc
Armine Smith, MD
Ryan Smith, MD
Riel Smith-Harrison, MD
Andrew Tracey, MD
Hong Truong, MD
Michael Williams, MD, MS
Rebecca Zee, MD, PhD

Residents & Fellows Committee
Matthew Lee, MD – Chair
Marisa Clifton, MD
Zafardjan Dalimov, MD, MS
Logan Galansky, MD
Jason Kozarek, MD
Ally Kwun, MD
Sami Masallam, DO
Kara Michel, MD, MSHP
Fionna Sun, MD
David Tella, MD
Carly R. Ulrich, DO

Residents Program
Laura Douglass, MD – Chair
Mihir Shah, MD – Chair-Elect

Young Urologists Committee
Marisa Clifton, MD – Chair
Paul Chung, MD – Chair-Elect
John Barnard, MD
Josh Cohn, MD
Thomas FitzGibbon, MD
Mohit Gupta, MD
Sumit Isharwal, MD
Susan MacDonald, MD
Daniel Lee, MD
Ben Schurhamer, MD
Devang Sharma, MD
Nathan Shaw, MD
Nirmish Singla, MD
Andrew Tracey, MD
Mei Tuong, MD

MA-AUA Committee Descriptions

Advanced Practice Providers (APP) Committee
The APP Committee shall consist of up to six Members of the Section, in good standing.  Members of this Committee serve a three (3) year term renewable once.  The APP Committee is charged with organizing APP Day, engaging in membership recruitment and retention and promoting APP educational programming.

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall consist of the Treasurer who shall serve as Chair, and two current members of the Board of Directors to be appointed by the President.  The Committee will perform internal (or external with an independent auditor) annual audits of the organizations’ operating financial statements, tax returns and operating procedures. Additional functions include responsibility for adequacy of insurance, monitoring all AUA Section dues and Annual Meeting fees and ensure this Section’s fees are commensurate, and oversight of internal controls, to include oversight of the balance sheets.  The Committee shall report to the Board annually.

By-Laws Committee
The By-Laws Committee shall consist of the Secretary of the Section, who shall serve as ex-officio Chair, and six (6) or more additional members appointed by the President to serve a three (3) year term renewable once.  The Chair of the Committee will serve as the Section representative to the AUA By-Laws Committee.  It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to review and make necessary changes to the Section By-Laws, as directed by the Board of Directors for approval by the Section membership.

Health Policy Committee
The Health Policy Committee shall consist of a Chair, elected for a term of three (3) years, who shall serve as the Section representative to the AUA Health Policy Council, and at least one representative of each state within the Section boundaries.  The Committee shall become familiar with and study all matters pertaining to the inter-professional problems associated with the delivery of urologic care to the public, including national and local legislative initiatives affecting urology, coding, and reimbursement issues, and peer review.  The Committee shall report annually to the Section Board of Directors and/or membership on its own activities and on the proceedings of the AUA Health Policy Council.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of three (3) Active or Senior Members of the Section, in good standing.  One member of this Committee shall be appointed annually by the President to serve three (3) years and shall, in his or her third year, be Chair.  The Membership Committee will focus on membership benefits and recruitment for the Society. The new membership applications will be vetted by the AUA and sent to the Secretary for approval.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the three (3) most recent living Past Presidents, of whom the senior shall act as Chair, and two (2) Active members of the Section in good standing nominated and voted by two-thirds of the membership at the Annual Meeting.  These two elected members shall serve for a three-year non-renewable term.

Section Officers.  It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to select and present to the Section by mail thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting a slate of nominees of Active Members of the Section in good standing for the office of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian (when those offices are vacant) and two additional members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Section.

AUA Representation.  The Nominating Committee shall also nominate members of the Section in good standing to serve on the AUA Board of Directors and other AUA Councils and Committees, for terms specified in the AUA By-Laws.  Prior to the beginning of the AUA Board of Director Representative’s term, the AUA Board may reject the appointee for a serious conflict of interest or other grave misconduct deemed by the Board in its sole discretion to bring discredit upon the AUA. The decision of the AUA Board shall be final.  No member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for nomination to any office of the Section or of the AUA.

Annual Awards/Recognition. The Nominating Committee will also be responsible for creating for the annual slate of section nominees for sectional and national awards to be presented to the BOD at the Annual Fall Meeting.

Program Committee
The Program Committee shall consist of the President, the Secretary, Scientific Program Chair, Scientific Program Chair-Elect and at least one (1) other member in good standing appointed by the President, and shall arrange the scientific program for the Annual Meeting.

Residents & Fellows Committee
The Residents Committee shall consist of a Chair, the Section Secretary or a designated appointee as an ex-officio member, and one (1) representative from as many of the urology residency programs within the Mid-Atlantic Section boundaries as possible.  All resident members of the Committee must be a candidate member in good standing. The Committee shall address the needs of junior and senior level urology residents; familiarize residents with the Mid-Atlantic Section leadership structure, practices, and value of involvement; organize Residents Day; engage Mid-Atlantic residents, including assisting with member recruitment and retention, encouraging section involvement and engagement, and supporting and promoting resident education; and organize this community’s concerns in a unified manner so that strategies to rectify any issues may be developed and the residency experience improved.  The Committee will hold a meeting at the Section’s Annual Meeting, conference calls upon necessity, and conduct regular email correspondence.  The Chair must be currently enrolled in his/her residency program and must be available to facilitate regular correspondence among the Committee.  The Committee Chair shall serve a one (1) year term, and all Committee member positions are 1-year terms and are renewable once, provided the member is still in residency.  The Committee will report to the Section Board of Directors.

Young Urologists Committee
The Young Urologists Committee shall consist of at least six Members of the Section, in good standing.  Members of this Committee serve a three (3) year term renewable once.  Members must be within ten (10) years of graduating residency. The Young Urologist Committee is charged with encouraging long-term section engagement, encouraging engagement with other YUs in section activities, and developing Residents Bowl questions and moderating competition.