December 2022 AUA Public Policy Council Update For MAS

From the Chair
MAAUA Chair 2020

I am pleased to share updates from the AUA Public Policy Council that may benefit your Section members. Our updates include information on the recently introduced Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.

Advocacy Wins Included in Newly Introduced 2023 Omnibus Bill

On December 20, the Senate and House Appropriations Committees released language for the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a comprehensive omnibus bill, to fund the government beyond Friday, December 23 and the bill includes significant wins for urologic advocacy, including:

  • Medicare physician payment cut of 2% rather than the 4.5% outlined in Calendar Year 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule with an updated conversion factor coming shortly
  • Medicare telehealth flexibilities—waiver of originating site and geographic restrictions, coverage of audio-only, and some others —are extended through the end of 2024
  • 200 new Medicare GME (graduate medical education) slots
  • Inclusion of AUA-led Veterans’ Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research Act for passage in the bill

Congress will vote to pass the bill on Thursday, December 22. These legislative successes would not be possible without the time, energy, and voices of AUA members. Thank you for your advocacy!

The AUA will continue to advocate for permanent solutions to many of the issues outlined above and will feature many of these issues as legislative asks at the 2023 Annual Urology Advocacy Summit.

2023 AUA Summit to Feature Sessions on Physician Payment, Telehealth, Workforce, and More!

Registration for the 6th Annual Urology Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC is still open at Join us on February 27 – March 1, 2023 to advocate directly to your federal lawmakers on critical issues for urology. We will continue to update the agenda on the AUA Summit website as session planning progresses.

As of December 20, the Mid-Atlantic Section represents 16% at AUA Summit registrants. We look forward to seeing your Section in DC!

ICYMI: Updates from the AUA Policy & Advocacy Brief blog

AUAPAC Supports House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Health Member

On November 29, AUAPAC participated in a fundraiser for Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA-05) hosted by MaDPAC, a coalition of Medical and Dental Political Action Committees. Rep. Thompson currently serves on the House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Health. During the fundraiser, Rep. Thompson discussed the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the need to find a long-term solution to prevent providers from facing annual cuts.

AUAPAC Participates in Meet and Greet with Future Forum PAC

On December 6, AUAPAC participated in a meet and greet event with Congressional members from the Future Forum PAC hosted by MaDPAC, a coalition of Medical and Dental Political Action Committees. Future Forum members in attendance included Reps. Brendan Boyle (D-PA-02), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA-34), Raja Krishmamoorthi (D-IL-08), Darren Soto (D-FL-09), Haley Stevens (D-MI-07) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA-15). During the meeting, AUA staff discussed the impending Medicare payment cuts and the need for a permanent solution. AUA staff touched on the need for new House sponsors for the Specialty Physicians Advancing Rural Care Act and the initiative’s importance for physicians and patients.

AUA Joins ASM on Countering MedPAC Recommendations to Prioritize Primary Care

On December 6, the AUA joined the Alliance for Specialty Medicine (ASM) on a letter to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). The letter expressed concern with a number of recent policy recommendations from MedPAC that sought to increase payment to primary care providers, potentially at the expense of specialty care providers. MedPAC’s rationale was that lower pay to primary care providers drives future workforce toward specialties. One such suggestion to combat this alleged issue involves two separate fee schedules for evaluation and management (E/M) services, with separate conversion factors and different requirements under budget neutrality.

The Alliance letter points out several flaws in the reasoning of MedPAC, including considerations for complex and chronic conditions that require greater resources from providers. For a copy of the letter, please contact the AUA’s Patient & Research Advocacy Manager Vanessa Cramer at [email protected].

AUA Participates in Cancer Moonshot Roundtable with HHS Secretary Becerra

On November 29, the AUA joined ZERO: The End of Prostate Cancer and other passionate members of the prostate cancer community in a roundtable discussion with the Biden administration. The virtual meeting was part of The White House’s Cancer Moonshot initiative and addressed the growing need for awareness and access to prostate cancer screenings for Black men. Black men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men.

Arthur L. “Bud” Burnett II, MD, MBA, FACS, represented the AUA on the roundtable and discussed how drops in PSA test rates coincided with an increase in more advanced instances of prostate cancer. Dr. Burnett noted the absence of screening led to increased metastatic prostate cancer. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on screening rates, leading to late detection and higher mortality for prostate cancer.

The roundtable secures the prostate cancer community’s seat at the table in a much-needed conversation about delivering men of color the education, resources and attention they need to battle prostate cancer. We look forward to continued engagement with the administration on this issue.

AUA Hosts Kidney Cancer Impact Alliance Hill Day

On November 12 and13, the AUA convened the Kidney Cancer Impact Alliance (KCIA) in Washington, D.C. for their first ever in-person alliance meeting. The KCIA is an AUA/Urology Care Foundation-led alliance composed of 10+ patient advocacy organizations. The in-person event included work group meetings, steering committee meetings and a full alliance meeting. The second day included meetings on Capitol Hill to ask lawmakers to stand strong to ensure robust federal investments in kidney cancer research. The asks were to increase funding for the Kidney Cancer Research Program (KCRP) under the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) and to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

AUA Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance Hosts Impact Series: Emotional Wellness Webinar 

The AUA/Urology Care Foundation’s Prostate Cancer Impact Alliance hosted the Impact Series: Emotional Wellness Webinar on November 17. The purpose of this webinar was to discuss the importance of mental health while being treated for prostate cancer. This webinar included perspective from patients, physicians, caregivers and mental health professionals.

The esteemed panel included Hakim Asadi, LMSW, Artie L. Shelton, MD, Dave Horn, Scott Davies and Jan Manarite. A special thank you to Marty Chakoian of Us TOO for moderating the webinar.

Access a recording of the webinar here:

If you have questions about insurer issues, contact Bhavika Patel at [email protected]

Local and Regional Updates

The following are updates in your Section. The AUA routinely monitors state legislative, regulatory, and insurance policy trends. Please contact AUA State Advocacy Manager Catherine Hendricks at [email protected] for more information on any of these issues.


HB 2932 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Introduced by Representative Dan Frankel (D), HB 2932 protects parents and guardians from investigation or punishment for obtaining evidence-based, patient-appropriate, gender-affirming care for their children. The bill was referred to the House Children and Youth Committee.

New Jersey

A 2286 – Scope of Practice

Introduced by Assemblymember Nancy Munoz (R), A 2286 amends state law to eliminate practice restrictions for advanced practice nurses (APN), including prescribing medications and administering anesthesia. APNs with greater than 24 months or 2,400 hours of licensed, active, advanced nursing practice will be allowed to practice without a collaborating physician. The bill was pre-filed for the 2023 legislative session and referred to the Assembly Health Committee.

A 4975 – Insurance

Introduced by Assemblymember Marilyn Piperno (R), A 4975 prohibits pre-authorization of medical tests, procedures, and prescriptions covered under health benefit plans. The bill was referred to the Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee.


SB 791 – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Introduced by Senator Amanda Freeman Chase (R), SB 791 prohibits gender transition procedures for minors (under 18) or referral for gender transition procedures, prohibits the use of public funds for transgender procedures on minors and prohibits health insurance carriers from covering transgender procedures. Violators will be subject to the unprofessional conduct provisions of their licensure board. The bill was pre-filed for the 2023 legislative session.

Best regards,

Maureen and the AUA Public Policy & Advocacy Team